About Us

Who We Are

We are a resource hub providing tools, ideas and inspirations to empower you to create a life that is more fulfilling and impactful. We created a platform for those whose curiosity has opened a space for empathy, growth, compassion and ultimately love because we understand the desire to live a life that matters; a life of purpose, deep meaning and satisfaction.

This community was created because we understand that the drive to be magnanimous is within us all. To be part of something greater than self. To create positive value in the world that is impactful and to be recognized for our own special gift and contribution. And so, with that in mind, Grane Lux is a place where you can get invigorated, re-energised and empowered to continue on your life’s journey whilst dealing with its complexities. 

Our services help you firstly, recognize the greatness within you and secondly empower you to use that greatness to create what matters most to you.

Truly, we are in the business of inspiring transformation and creating positive change and we do this through our coaching services, the courses in our Grane Lux academy, as well as the inspirational content found in the Wisdom Wednesday series. In addition, through our community platform “Have Your Say” members of our community share knowledge, nuggets of wisdom, ideas and creativity so that as we learn, we teach.

At Grane Lux helping you live a life that is more fulfilling and impactful is our mission and passion.


Our Vision Is To Inspire Transformation & Create Positive Change.

Here Is What We Live By


It is our willingness to seek out the unknown with a commitment to learning and gaining deeper understanding that inspires us.


We are accountable to ourselves and the people and partners we serve by being open and transparent.


We are empathetic because we care.


We need every day courage to do what is necessary


We are here to serve.


Humility means being respectful, truthful and confident but never arrogant.

Meet The Founder

Akunna Ethel Onwu

Akunna Ethel Onwu


Hi everyone and welcome to my labour of love. 😊

I have always been interested in the big questions since I was a little girl. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I serve? And more importantly, how can I live a life that is fulfilling but also impactful?

On my quest to figuring out these questions, I experienced some challenges that were often filled with pain and suffering. And yet, in the midst of this were moments and glimpses of joy, laughter and hope. But what struck me as well was that I realised I wasn’t alone. Many of my friends, family and acquaintances were asking the same questions and on the same journey as I was. A journey I call a walk in the wilderness. And so, the learnings from the people I met along the way, to the resources and nuggets of wisdom I gleamed from the most unlikely of places, culminated in the birth of Grane Lux. I wanted to create a space where people who were on a similar journey like I was or who had been on it and had something to share and offer could find a place, a community to belong to in order to feel seen and heard.

Grane Lux is really about inspiring transformation and creating positive change. It is a place where you can get invigorated, re-energised and empowered to continue on your life’s journey. It was really borne out of a fundamental belief that drives me, and it was said by the inimitable Maya Angelou and it’s this; when you learn, teach.

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